

  • A game of quick thinking and speech for the whole family! name 3 things to climb.
  • Here is a question that seems simple at first glance. But will you be able to find 3 answers in less than 5 seconds under the pressure of the serpentine timer and the other players who will try to distract you?
  • If you complete the challenge in 5 seconds, you move forward one space. Otherwise, it is up to the next player to answer in 5 seconds, but without reusing the answers that were given by the previous player.
  • The winner is the first to reach the finish square. More than 700 funny and original questions to entertain young and old!
  • Average duration of a game: 20 minutes.
  • Contents: – 376 question cards (752 questions) – 12 pass cards – 12 change cards – 6 pawns – 1 game board – 1 serpentine timer – 1 instruction manual
  • from 8 years old